As the country moves out of lockdown, more of us will be using the rail network to travel back to work. It’s therefore a good time to look back at our contribution to railway infrastructure projects here and abroad. Internationally, we have been involved in railway projects in Hong Kong and Dubai. For example, ten […]
fire resistant facades
Retail therapy
It’s a long time since we’ve been able to enjoy any retail therapy. Going shopping for non-essentials might seem a bit strange, with social distancing and hygiene measures. But it is a small step towards the new normal that we’ll all have to get used to. It’s also a reminder to us at Wrightstyle that […]
School fire underlines false economies
Chris Peters, Chief Design Manager, says that investment in fire safety is vital. The dangers of fire are well understood, although steps to prevent it are often not taken. The logic is that fire is a rare occurrence, and that preventative measures can be expensive. In some cases, those preventative measures may not be a […]
Deliberate and malicious
Chris Peters, chief design manager, looks at the impact of arson in the UK I wrote recently about arson in schools, and how it’s an issue that is more common than many people suppose. Indeed, in England alone, there are about 700 school fires a year. Most attacks are carried out by children and the great majority of […]
Fires that have shaped regulation
Fires shaping safety regulations. Fires shaping safety regulations in the UK stretch back to William the Conqueror in the 11th century who required house fires to be extinguished at night. The easiest way to put out those fires, generally in the centre of the main room, was to cover it with a metal pan. This […]