Jane Embury reminds us that some threats haven’t gone away We’re slowly emerging from one national threat and, maybe, forgetting about another. That’s hardly surprising, because it’s easy to forget about terrorism when Covid-19 has been uppermost in our minds. But as we redouble efforts to build for the future, it’s worth remembering the past. […]
bomb proof curtain wall
New threat, old threat
Jane Embury looks at a threat that hasn’t gone away It’s been a year dominated by Covid-19. Not least, its impact on lives lost, jobs lost and social dislocation. But while the pandemic may be on the retreat, not everybody’s mind has been concentrated on the things that really matter. UK counter-terrorism chiefs have revealed […]
Foreseeing the unforeseeable
Jane Embury looks at perceptions of safety and looking to the future. If COVID-19 has taught us anything it’s that we must be better prepared. It’s a lesson that government must learn to counter any further pandemic. We should also review contingency plans for other possible events. The lesson of COVID-19 is that, while the […]
Offering protection against terror
Designing buildings with bomb resistant glazing is sadly becoming more relevant in our cities. In recent years, the threat of terror has focused the minds of architects, engineers, and planners to design buildings to withstand a whole new array of risks. Proposals this week following a spate of terrorist incidents, recommend that businesses and councils […]
Remember, remember
Tim Kempster, our managing director, casts a backward glance at the UK’s most infamous plot. Today we celebrate Guy Fawkes Night or Bonfire Night. It’s the date in 1605 when Guy Fawkes was apprehended while guarding explosives that he and his co-conspirators had hidden under the House of Lords. It was a plot to kill […]