Bomb resistant glass is designed as a primary protection product, for use in our tested bomb resistant steel glazing systems.
The glass prevents the fragmentation associated with normal glass. This is widely acknowledged as the main cause of injury when a building is subject to an explosive attack. It is essential though that the glass is in a blast resistant frame, which ensures that the glass remains in the frame.
Blast resistant glass is constructed using a plastic medium that can remain elastic under pressure load. The glass absorbs and disperses the impact pressure wave and provides retention of broken glass and flying debris.
When choosing the right glass, there is a vast range of differences in the design details depending on the level of protection required; not only size of bomb blast but how close a proximity; all this needs to be taken into consideration before accurate technical information and design can be advised.
Project specific
The actual glass make-up and testing information is project confidential. However, specifications and recommendations are available on an individual enquiry basis.
Extensive testing is carried out on bomb resistant glass. We tested our bomb resistant curtain walling system fully glazed and you can browse through various aspects of our live bomb testing by visiting our YouTube pages containing an assortment of videos.